Data Science Workshop Series 2020

Hertie School & SCRIPTS Data and Methodology Center

Advanced data visualization in R

Florida State University Summer Methods School

Math and quantitative methods for social science Ph.D. students

USC Political Science & International Relations (POIR) and Sociology departments

Maps in R

USC Political Science & International Relations (POIR) program

Intro to data management in the tidyverse

USC Security & Political Economy (SPEC) Lab

Intro to data visualization in R

USC Security & Political Economy (SPEC) Lab

Peer review with ghclass

The ghclass package in R provides a suite of functions to manage courses via GitHub repositories. The package has recently been supplemented with the functionality to implement peer review. Developed during my 2019 summer internship with RStudio, in collaboration with Mine Çetinkaya-Rundel and Colin Rundel, the peer review functions in ghclass interface with the GitHub API to create review repositories, move files between authors and reviewers, submit feedback, and collect grades.

Intro to R

USC Security & Political Economy (SPEC) Lab